Raw Material: A TV Pilot

It’s been quiet, I know.  Life suddenly became hectic, and that’s okay.  The juggling struggle has been very real, however, and some balls get dropped, for the time being.

So while I work on memorizing a 100+ script to perform, I’ve put together a very raw form of the pilot I worked on.  It hasn’t had a read through, or even a skimmed edit.  It’s the pure material.  I wanted you to see where it starts.  What I do with it now?  I have no idea.  Perhaps I’ll finish out the six episode arc I wrote up for this project, and perhaps I’ll compile it, and even sell it as a readable screenplay.  Who knows.  It’s a side project in any case, as my paranormal fantasy has sprung to life again in my head, and the sequel to my book, really needs to be told.

I hope you enjoy it.  (PS. I’d totally cast myself as Jadeia.)

EP.1 – The Last Earther